The use of Ultrasound waves for humidification has many advantages
- Maximum Energy saving
- Minimum connected load
- Energy saving cooling effect
- Minimal water consumption
- Immediate maximum humidification
- Maximum water vaporisation
Duct Humidification…
N-KBD + AquaDrain
Economical built-in humidifier for Ducts and Air Conditioning Systems
- Energy saving
- Hygienically safe
- Suitable for data processing spaces, laboratories, hospitals, printing houses, museums, cheese factories and offices
- For use with demineralised water

Capacity: 3.6 kg/h to 25.2 kg/h
Room Humidification
RB/P-D + AquaDrain
Compact and economical Room humidifier- Energy saving
- Operate with low voltage 48VAC – Range of transformers available
- For use with demineralised water
Capacity: 1.0 kg/h to 8.0 kg/h

Fresh Produce
GOL + AquaDrain & Ozongenerator
Ultrasonic Fruit & Vegetable Humidifier- Very economical
- Extremely quiet
- Hygienically safe
Capacity: 0.5 kg/h to 3.0 kg/h
AquaDrain flushes the water supply line, empties the water reservoir of the Humidifier in intervals, empties the water reservoir after short periods of "non-humidification" and also in case of a power failure.